Revelation Unveiled: An untold Story

Can we study the bible through the book of Revelation?

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Revelation Unveiled:  An Untold Story

It has always been God’s intention that men would have a relationship with Him and the spirit world, as articulated in the book of Genesis.  Man shared a connection with God and Archangels, and one day, we will  judge the angels according to I Corinthians 6:3.  God made men in His image, the image of beings who will rule with God in His kingdom.  Our assignment starts now!


Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

"The only graphic depiction of the Ark of the Covenant taken during my trip to Jerusalem"
Embark on a spine-tingling journey with "The Fifth Angel's Revelation: The Descent of Destruction" - a dramatic retelling of Revelation 9. This vivid account delves into the terrifying vision shared by the Apostle John, unraveling the intriguing tale of a celestial being tasked with the release of horrifying locust-like beasts from a bottomless pit.
The story masterfully mirrors the struggle of a caveman stepping into the modern world, striving to communicate the wonders witnessed on his travels. It paints an evocative picture, drawing from cryptic Biblical images while keeping one foot firmly planted in the realities of our contemporary world.
Witness scintillating descriptions of celestial prophecy and impending torment for those alienated from God. Experience an ominous build-up as three more angelic trumpets prepare to sound - a testament to the consequences of resisting the divine will of God. The narrative is a web of terror, servitude, hope, and salvation, serving as a stark reminder of the promised destruction for those who stray from the path of righteousness.
The account then shifts to a compelling warning from the angelic realms, revealing that the sixth angel's trumpet blast will signal the release of four celestial beings. These divine warriors, once bound by the Euphrates River - the nurturer of the Garden of Eden and the primal scene of man's disobedience - are on a devastating mission to obliterate a third of mankind.
God’s lament over Israel’s infidelity, likened unto Jezreel, Loruhamah, and Loammi and man’s refusal to repent are among the themes explored. The narrative is a call to humanity, a charge to change and accept the grace of God personally, and to share this prophetic warning with a complacent world.
"The Fifth Angel's Revelation: The Descent of Destruction" is more than just an engaging exploration of one of the most formidable chapters in the New Testament. It’s a stark, urgent reminder of the power of repentance established in the face of divine wrath, and the salvation that can be found in embracing God's eternal promise.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Dive deep into the mysteries of Revelation Chapter 8 with our latest episode titled "The Sounding of the Seven Trumpets: Divine Judgment Outlined in Revelation Chapter 8." Experience the profound silence as the seventh seal opens and the prelude to the seven trumpets, each signaling a different disaster. Explore the divine visuals of celestial beings, incense, prayers, and the catastrophic aftermath that follows the sounding of the trumpets.
Discover the significance of the number seven in this context, symbolizing perfection and completeness in the Biblical narrative. Uncover the historical and spiritual meaning of the trumpets, associated with grand announcements and the start of unimaginable horrors.
Witness the harrowing transformations of the earth as it's engulfed in fire, hail, and blood while the sea turns into a pool of blood, bringing about cataclysmic loss and destruction. Understand how these divine disruptions are a signal of the nearing end of man's kingdom and the onset of God's perfect and holy kingdom.
Glean insights from scriptures, prophecies, and stories corroborate these visions while examining how past events, such as the fall of Jericho's walls and Israel's punishments for transgressions, are echoed in these narratives. This episode is both a recounting of events to come and a stark reminder of God's omnipresence and ultimate authority.
Delve into the depths of God's patience and divine justice, learning how mercy continues to persist despite disobedience and defiance. Unpack the scriptural instances where God maintains an unyielding call for repentance, despite humanity's failure to respond.
Reflect on the Bible's constant message of hope and salvation amid stubborn disobedience, specifically drawing from verses in Jeremiah, Psalms, Romans, and Revelations. Uncover surprising biblical allusions and references in popular culture and Hollywood, revealing the ever-present nature of God's messages in our modern world.
Conclude the study with a reassurance that there is still time for repentance and salvation, for those willing to listen and respond to the voice of God.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Rabbi/Apostle Paul builds a compelling case for Israel's role in God's plan. He argues that God did not abandon Israel but, instead, for her sake, made her a point of contention.  In a strategic move, God introduced the Gentiles into their cherished relationship in an attempt to spark a sense of jealousy in Israel and ultimately win her back.
The Rabbi points out that Israel was “broken off because of unbelief. “  In Romans 11:11, He writes, “Say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall?  God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation comes unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy”.
Thank God through Jesus Christ that the Gentiles were afforded entrance into His great plan, as we have seen in the seven churches of Asia being given prominence. But now that the churches have received the grace of God through Jesus Christ, the Apple of God’s Eye looms in front of us as God appoints 144,000 vanguard Israelites to stand at his side along with ALL of the heavenly hosts.
Grace will soon be withdrawn, and along with the absence of the Spirit that Lets, “For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:  only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
The 144,000 are now being presented for our scrutiny.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

In this compelling exploration of prophetic scriptures, the profound validation of biblical prophecy found in the books of Revelation 6 and Zephaniah 1.14 is thoroughly examined. The grand indication of the day of the Lord as a wrathful and destabilizing event is brought into focus with an impending sense of urgency and warning.
By delving into the detailed accounts of Israel's denial and captivity, as well as their ignorance of God's precise timing, a clearer understanding of their failure to recognize Jesus as Lord emerges. The ensuing captivity and experiences of the northern and southern tribes are vividly narrated, alongside a profound recounting of their sorrow through Psalms 137.
The love for darkness over light in mankind and its chaotic outcomes are illuminated, with allusions to the rider of the white horse. This ethereal figure emerges as a symbol of conquest and devastation, setting the stage for an in-depth analysis of the Four Horsemen - the heralds of the apocalypse as depicted in the Book of Revelation.
Unfolding the cryptic scriptures, the various representations of the horsemen are unveiled, painting a grim picture of war, bloodshed, severe famine, and a looming pandemic. The exploration also clarifies symbolic references such as the oil, wine, and black horse's scales, deepening the understanding of these prophetic passages.
Detailing the solemn aftermath of the apocalypse, the impending celestial event that signals the return of the holy one is discussed, along with the warnings against hypocrisy within the church. While cautioning about cataclysms and widespread terror, the message of salvation and mercy extended by Jesus Christ stands as a pillar of hope amidst apocalyptic revelation. This insightful journey into the final days of Earth as prophesized by the Book of Revelation provides a nuanced understanding of apocalyptic warnings while rooting listeners within the graces of profound faith.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

In this stirring episode, we delve into the emotional quest to open the sealed book presented in Revelation 5. When all hope seems lost, the Lion of Judah, symbolizing the victorious Lamb of God, is declared worthy to unlock the sacred scroll. While the contents remain undisclosed, the seven seals herald an era still hidden from revelation. The critical symbolism of the Lamb ascending from the curse to become a Lion from the tribe of Judah cannot be underestimated during this journey.
The implications of viewing Jesus Christ as both the Lamb and the Lion are linked with the fall of the early church into outright apostasy, and abandonment from the true faith. We are further witnesses to these periods of spiritual decay, resulting from the neglect of Jesus Christ’s warning. Considering this, we shift our attention towards Israel's unsettled obligations before God, highlighting the repercussions of disobedience and the embracement of transgressions outlined in Daniel 9:24. Despite these digressions, God's justice, love, and mercy prevail for those who follow Him.
In Revelation 5:11, the heavenly court's endorsement of the slain Lamb affirmed as worthy to receive power and blessing, underlines the magnitude of Christ's mediatory role. The sight of the celestial beings supporting the Lamb is dramatic and overwhelming, signifying the importance of divine communications from heavenly realms.
We subsequently journey into astronomical realms where celestial beings govern. The vast multitude of these beings, along with the Lord, is foretold to stand by us on the glorious day when we recognize Him. The episode encourages us to strengthen our connection to the divine, elucidating the significance of Jesus Christ as the mediator between heaven and earth.
In our quest to better comprehend divine communication, we examine the art of listening that is often neglected in today's hustle and bustle. Ignoring or dismissing the divine voice results in a loss of valuable wisdom and guidance. As we rekindle our ability to hear this divine voice, we are reminded that humility, earnest prayer, and righteous living lead to divine blessings of comfort, justification, and healing. This episode concludes with a divine blessing that motivates us to seek divine favor and peace.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

This episode wonderfully guides you through a mesmerizing spectacle straight from the heavens. Expect a spiritual journey highlighted by the illuminating imagery of an open door in heaven, the melodious voice of a trumpet, and a majestic throne flanked by a vibrant rainbow - a spectacle that arrests your senses and awakens an otherworldly wonder. Dive into the intricate breakdown of seven declining churches, as forewarned by our savior, Jesus Christ. Learn about the spiritual maladies of Ephesus and Pergamos, highlighting an increasing love for worldly wealth and a fading devotion to the divine.
Witness the exceptional artistic strokes of revered singer Roberta Flack in "Go Up Moses", a song echoing the need for liberation from earthly attachments. Furthermore, explore the spiritual experiences of John, as described in Revelation 4.1, and contrast it with Rabbi Apostle Paul's heavenly journey in 2 Corinthians 12.2. Be awestruck by the radiance of the celestial throne room, complete with 24 seats and the imminent arrival of Jehovah God, our supreme judge and creator.
Get ready to meet complex celestial beings whose primary role is to glorify God eternally and meet the Multi-talented Praise Team! Their intelligence, authority, and divine origin underscore their essential place in God's grand design. Encounter celestial beings in command, who also etch an atmospheric image of the divine with power and majesty. Despite their forms remaining elusive in the Bible, their sanctity and purpose shine through, bringing glory to the Creator.
As we draw parallels to the contemporary world with the spiritual decline of churches in Revelation, we underline the deceptive danger of wealth and material prosperity. This episode concludes with a call to caution against self-enrichment at the expense of others and emphasizes the need to appreciate the profound value of spiritual wealth. Embark on an enriching spiritual journey, and grow in faith and understanding, as we delve into divine prophecies in forthcoming episodes.  Your comments are also welcomed.

Laodicea-Spiritually Bankrupt!

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Explore divine wisdom in our latest episode, "The Spiritual Bankruptcy in the Church of Laodicea." This episode provides a profound examination of God's critique of the spiritual well-being of the Church of Laodicea, conveyed through the sincere and accurate representation of Jehovah God. It commences with examining the enticingticing charm of material prosperity, the perils of fostering lukewarm faith, and warnings against the deceptive assurance of spiritual satisfaction arising from worldly possessions. The episode illuminates how significant biblical figures and scriptures illustrate the spiritual risks connected to wealth. It challenges listeners with a pertinent question, "Is this how the first-century churches utilized their resources to assist their communities?" calling for introspection on the prevalent philosophy of affluence within religious establishments.
Delve into the rich young ruler's story, an illuminating narrative about the constant battle between earthly attachments and spiritual commitment. Further, the discussion unfolds the concept of money as a symbol of control, power, and presumed happiness, effectively dispelling these illusions and affirming that true happiness is unlinked to monetary wealth.
The conversation culminates with an appeal to prioritize relationships with God and fellow humans. This episode is a captivating discourse on wealth, faith, and community-related responsibilities, providing profound spiritual insight into the core nature of humanity.
Expand your understanding of nurturing earth-bound faith relationships as a reflection of our celestial fellowship. This episode scrutinizes how some celestial beings resisted the Luciferian rebellion, opting instead for love and loyalty toward Jehovah God. It also points out how we should elevate ourselves above worldly desires and materialistic pursuits for a successful spiritual journey.
Explore the teachings of The Bible regarding humanity's origin and destiny, evaluating our spiritual roles and responsibilities. Jesus Christ, our supreme guide, extends His counseling to us, beckoning us back onto our divine path whenever we stray due to self-will. Discover God's relentless love and guidance toward us.
This episode, as pertaining to the church at Laodecia, discusses how wealth and material comforts can desensitize our spiritual consciousness, emphasizing the need for our renewed commitment. Be inspired to present your bodies as living sacrifices according to God's word.
Garner insights from The Bible on the significance of our spiritual journey and explains how Jesus Christ is the answer to our spiritual queries. This episode highlights the need for churches to remain on fire for the Lord, teaching that true wealth resides in our spiritual evolution rather than material comforts.
In conclusion, uncover ways to adopt Jesus's counsel, overcome our spiritual flaws, and earn our place in His Kingdom. Are you ready to heed His call, open your heart's door, and let Him guide you towards the light?

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Join us as we journey through the inspiring faith journey of, one, Pastor Bobby Hicks of New Home Baptist Church. Experience this charismatic ministry, where Baptist principles merge with a 'Pentecostal experience,' creating a vibrant melting pot of spirituality. Engross yourself in the awe-inspiring moments where a gift of prophecy unfolds before the church congregation, leading to reconciliation and imbuing hope.
Feel the warmth of his teachings as he emphasizes the power of love, echoing Rabbi Apostle Paul's words in the Book of Corinthians. Follow him as he extends his influence beyond his local congregation, touching numerous lives in a rural community church in Culpeper, Virginia, proving that love transcends all barriers.
Witness incredible instances of others reaching out to the needy within a church community, strengthening the Christian brotherhood, and personifying the true spirit of charity. Unearth a profound reflection on Jesus Christ's commendation of the church at Philadelphia, providing valuable insight into maintaining faith amidst trials.
Standing Firm in Faith: Navigating Life's Trials with Christian Resilience
Embark on a spiritual quest as we delve deep into a powerful narrative that addresses the challenges faced by Christians today. Take a deep dive into scripture, exploring Jesus' teachings and the courage he imparts to his disciples in the face of trials, tribulation, and evil. Let the significance of faith resonate with you as we explore the dire consequences of denying Jesus and the call to resist worldly temptations.
Discover Jesus' role as our high priest, opening gates of redemption and setting the standard for faithful living. Learn about the Church's critical mandate, how our actions impact our standing before God, and our duty to serve others echoed in Jesus' ministry.
End your journey with a memorable exhortation to hold onto faith amid life's challenges, drawing solace from the promise of deliverance for the faithful. Let the compelling words of Ecclesiastes remind you of your obligation to navigate life's trials with faith and perseverance.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

In this profound teaching titled "Sardis; A Church on Life Support,  a Battle Between Spiritual Ignorance and Divine Revelation," we explore the spiritual journey from ignorance to divine enlightenment. Highlighting the struggles of the Church of Sardis, we bring to light the struggles many face in recognizing the existence of God and His more fantastic realm. We explore the teachings of  Rabbi Apostle Paul and delve into the parallel universe that plays a crucial role in our lives but is invisible to our earthly perception.
The teaching takes a deep dive into the state of decline portrayed by the first-century Church, symbolizing disobedience and idolatrous worship. Despite these risks, hope and salvation resonate throughout the teachings, depicting God's infinite mercy capable of guiding humanity back to Him. However, this path isn't devoid of suffering and self-realization.
Moving from ignorance to enlightenment, we emphasize how God's words can serve as a guiding compass. Balancing this optimism, the teaching addresses the grim reality of apostasy and the peril of losing faith amidst worldly temptations. Highlighting the importance of balance in our spiritual journey, we cite examples such as Martin Luther of the mid-1500s and Dr. Martin Luther King.
The discussion takes an intriguing turn with a look at the intersection of science, technology, and spirituality. We explore the implications of the Large Hadron Collider project intending to alter dimensions and discuss stories of Mr. Geordie Rose's ambitious endeavor to harness resources from a parallel dimension. A contrast is drawn to the first-century Church's teaching of shared resources, leading to an insightful examination of contemporary Church practices.
This enlightening teaching concludes with an understanding of the modern challenges faced by the Church, drawing parallels with the Church of Sardis. The teachings emphasize the essential remembrance and embodiment of Jesus Christ's inclusive teachings, preventing the dilution of our spirit. Join us as we navigate this enlightening spiritual journey.

Thyatira; The Jezebel Spirit

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

In this episode, travel through the intricate tapestry of the first-century church, charting its origins, formative doctrines, and the transformation of the faithful. The discussion delves into spiritual influences, with key figures like Rabbi Apostle Paul and Rabbi Gamaliel. The contrast between the emergent Christian lifestyle and the worldly system as well as the underlying principles of the early church's communal responsibility are expertly explored.Experience a deep analysis of the teachings and revelations that brought salvation, and the role of the divine in battling worldly fears, doubts, and oppression. The power of revelations, repentance, and the Holy Spirit are highlighted in this captivating journey through the annals of spiritual history.Unearth the biblical narratives surrounding the church of Thyatira, the prophetess Jezebel, and King Ahab. The discourse unveils the peril of following false prophets and stresses the importance of discerning God's word. The narrative expands to encompass the spirit of idolatrous Queen Jezebel, her influence, and the resulting spiritual decay.Engaging tales from biblical history, such as King Ahab's apostasy and the divine courtroom drama surrounding his fate, paint a vivid picture of the battle between good and evil. Hear more about the church's resistance to false doctrines, ensuring its role as a refuge for the faithful. Reflections on scriptures from Genesis to John help to explore spirituality and mankind's potential for a godlike mindset.The episode culminates in the celebration of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit. It emphasizes the modern church's responsibility to shine light amidst chaos, and the prophetic warnings concerning fallen celestial beings. Finally, it closes with a profound exploration of God's boundless grace and a heartfelt wish for peace and divine favor upon all listeners.

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