Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Chapter Seventeen: Satanic Seduction, Sorceries, and a Secret

In this episode, we delve into the prophetic visions of Revelation 17 and the timeless narratives of Genesis. Witness the unveiling of the "great whore" of Babylon, a symbol of idolatry and corruption, as described by the angel who guided John. This episode also revisits the creation story, the fall of man, and the tale of Cain and Abel, illustrating humanity's descent from paradise to pandemonium.

Explore the rise of false religious systems, the seduction of nations, and the eventual judgment upon Babylon. Learn about the intertwining destinies of divine and demonic forces, and the ultimate triumph of the Lamb over the beast. Through historical and biblical analysis, we uncover the spiritual significance of Babylon and its impact on the world, both past and present.

Join us as we reflect on the lessons of faith, obedience, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. This episode provides a profound understanding of biblical prophecy and its relevance to our lives today.

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